Friday 4 July 2008

Routers and Viruses

Client came in with a borrowed laptop and router asking for advice about whether she could set up a system chez elle. At the moment there was a problem with the phone line, but hopefully, this was being sorted. Initially there was a problem setting up the connection, as the laptop would not recognise any wireless connections, and we could not access the administrator account. This was sorted by going into safe mode and setting up an additional Admin account, from where we were able to enable the wireless connection. We were then able to allow the laptop to recognise the router. The router's IP address was found by looking at the properties of the wireless connection, and accessing it using internet explorer. Again a login problem was encountered, but fortunately, it had not been changed from username - admin, password - admin!
Client was then told how to log into her internet at home, and given written instructions.

While this was in progress it was seen that the computer had an outdated version of Norton 2006. This was removed, and a copy of AVG 2008 installed, the computer was connected to the Centre internet, and updated. Hopefully the client went away satisfied before going off on a Hen Weekend to Benidorm!!!

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